• Clears and stimulates the mind, aiding in concentration. Spiritually used to elevate the spirit and encourages the creation of new pathways.
  • Use in chest rub to bring down high temperatures and encourage the expulsion of mucus and congestion.
  • Use in massage oils or salves (liniments) to relieve pain in muscular aches, arthritis, and rheumatism.
  • It is used for chronic laryngitis and bronchitis, cystitis, rheumatism and to expel roundworm.
  • Used in dentistry and pharmaceutical work as an antiseptic; in expectorant and tonic formulations, throat lozenges, gargles, etc.
  • Used as a fragrance and freshening agent in soaps, cosmetics, detergents and perfumes.
  • Occasionally employed as a flavor component in food products and soft drinks.