Research on bergamot oil has uncovered multiple benefits. These include:

Stress Reduction: A small 2015 study trusted Source done on women in Japan found that inhaled bergamot oil mixed with water vapor reduced feelings of anxiety and fatigue.

Similarly, a 2013 article published in the journal Current Drug TargetsTrusted Source reported that aromatherapy with bergamot (among other essential oils) can relieve depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders by signaling the brain to release dopamine and serotonin.

Fights Food Poisoning: Linalool, a compound found in bergamot, may sometimes be effective at destroying types of bacteria responsible for food-borne illnesses.

A 2006 study trusted Source examined bergamot’s effectiveness at destroying several strains of bacterium on chicken skin and cabbage leaves. The bacterium tested were:

  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Listeria monocytogenes
  • Bacillus cereus
  • E. coli O157
  • Campylobacter jejuni

Lowers Cholesterol : A 2016 review trusted Source of human and animal studies indicated that flavonoids found in bergamot can help reduce lipid levels, although it indicated that the exact mechanism driving this result is unclear.

A 2018 animal study trusted Source affirmed this finding. It also found that the polyphenols in bergamot had an anti-inflammatory effect in the livers of rats recovering from nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

Reduces pain and inflammation: Linalool and carvacrol are compounds found in bergamot oil. A 2017 review of studies Trusted Source analyzed the effects of multiple essential oil compounds on the pain response and other conditions in humans and animals.

It found that both linalool and carvacrol had analgesic, anticonvulsant, and anti-inflammatory capabilities when used in a variety of methods that included applying it on the skin.

The review also indicated that the potential, toxicological effects of essential oils in humans require further study.